Collect Information Material with your Team

Posted on Oct 17, 2013 in co3tools, Novell, Novell Vibe, ShareOnVibe, Use Case

Many of you already know about the section of our website that presents Use Cases for ShareOnVibe to help you during your usual work day. Today we would like to present to you the most recent use case – it has just been published. Just imagine the following:

Your IT-system has been running smoothly for the last years, but lately, more and more employees want to bring their own devices, work at home or while traveling. So your team decided to research new technologies in expert forums and websites, or on magazine homepages. Finding information is easy, but how do you aggregate it? How to make sure everybody gets the information?

Wouldn’t it be easier to gather all these articles in one folder, so the whole team knows the state of things? And is there an easier way to fill the designated blog with information than one right click and one left click? Let us show you how fast and easy you can get your newest information into your company’s Vibe site! When you find a relevant article, right click on the page you’re on and select the share option you want to use. Choose your target folder and be done!

Use Case Collection of material Logo

In your target folder, the pages you shared via ShareOnVibe are displayed with a link to the page, its title, as well as – depending on the share option you selected – comments and tags you added.

Use Case Collection of material Result

And if it’s just part of an article you need, select only the relevant passage with your mouse and share it into your target folder – the selected text will be displayed directly in the entry.

When you share a big number of pages during your research, we recommend that you tag your entries directly in ShareOnVibe’s “Share Plus”. By using Global Tags for your entries, you can filter your results later so you don’t loose track of your options.

If you like this use case for ShareOnVibe and want to check out more, you should definitely browse our Use Case section. And in case you use ShareOnVibe in a way that is not represented in that section – contact us. We would be happy to add your use case to our collection!