Something to read on a cold November day …

Posted on Nov 28, 2013 in co3tools, Novell, Novell Filr, Novell Vibe, ShareOnVibe

Since the foundation of Code and Concept in 2007, we have gained a reputation for expertise in Novell collaboration technologies like Vibe, GroupWise and Filr, and successfully completed numerous Germany- and EU-based projects. Consequently, we are regular speakers at conferences and occasionally author articles in specialist journals. Over the last years, we provided a lot of information material and articles and our work has been acknowledged in others’ publications as well. Today, we’d like to give you an overview of the literature available:

Novell Vibe

GWAVACon EMEA Sessions (09/2013):

“Business Cases for Vibe” Roundtable (Slides)
“How to do Project Management with Vibe” Hands-on Lab (Slides)

N-AWS Conference Session (09/2013):

“Novell Vibe an Hochschulen – Projektbericht von der LMU München” (Materials on Request)*

LMU Success Story of Novell Vibe and ShareOnVibe (06/2013):

Report on Novell’s homepage (Link)
Novell Success Story (pdf)
YouTube video (Link)

BrainShare Session (02/2013):

“Customer Showcase: Novell Vibe Use Cases“ (Slides)

Novell Community Chat (11/2012):

“How to move your Vibe deployment into the fast lane with the right knowledge and
the right tools” (Video)

TTP Summit – openSUSE Conference Session (10/2012):

“Vibe in 2012” (Materials on Request)*

TTP Conference EMEA Session (03/2012):

“I have Vibe! Now … What do I do with it?” (Materials on Request)*

Cool Solutions Online Article (12/2011):

“Vibe and WebDAV – a Small Analysis” (Link)

BrainShare Session (10/2011):

“Novell Vibe at LMU” (Slides)

TTP Conference USA Session (07/2011):

“Vibe OnPrem @ LMU F11” (Materials on Request)*

Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt & Christian Giese in LANLine Magazine (04/2010):

“Praxistest: Novell Teaming 2.1 – Am Puls der Zeit” (Link)

co3-tools – ShareOnVibe and others

GWAVACon EMEA Session (09/2013):

“Pimp my Vibe: Integrate Faxing and Texting with Vibe and GroupWise!” (Slides)

GWAVACon EMEA Session (10/2012):

“ShareOnVibe the productivity booster for your Vibe platform” (Slides)

Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt in the Open Horizons Magazine #19 (Q3 2012):

“ShareOnVibe – The Productivity Booster For Your Vibe Platform” (pdf)

Novell GroupWise

Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt & Christian Giese in LANLine Magazine (04/2009):

“Test: Novell Groupwise 8 – Jung gebliebener Klassiker” (Link)

Novell Filr

Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt & Christian Giese in LANLine Magazine (09/2013):

“Praxistest: Filr – Tore in die Datenfestung” (Link)
Free translation of the article into English (Link)


*Material provision attached to conditions. Please contact us for further information.