System Requirements

Run ShareOnVibe - here's what you need!

Compatibility of ShareOnVibe with Vibe & Mozilla Firefox
SOV Build Version
1.0.33 1.0.48 1.1.49 1.1.51
 Vibe  x – 3.4
 Vibe  4.0 – current
 Firefox  x – 21.x
 Firefox  22.x – 23.x
 Firefox  24.x – 42.x
 Firefox 43.x – 52.x
Firefox 52.4 ESR
Firefox 57

” – ” ≙ not supported/not tested


Vibe platform:

ShareOnVibe is built and optimized to share content into a Vibe installation. If you don’t run your own installation and want to test the add-on or try out the functionality, you can get free Vibe accounts at or at the Kablink platform (use your Novell account). You can create a Novell account here.

ShareOnVibe as a Firefox add-on is a client side solution. Therefore, no configuration on the Vibe server is necessary.

Update (May 2015)

Version Vibe 4.0 has received some modifications in interfaces and methods which makes a new, adjusted version of ShareOnVibe necessary.

To use ShareOnVibe with Vibe 4.0 or higher versions, please request ShareOnVibe’s build 1.1 or higher* by mail or via the contact form.

Please note: Due to the changes in Vibe 4.0 it is currently not possible to add target folders via the navigation tree in the Configuration dialog. We are working on a solution. Nevertheless, you can still add folders directly to the folder list in the Configuration or use the Context Menu to add target folders (right click –> addFolder Add current Folder).

Web Browser:

ShareOnVibe is built as an add-on for the Mozilla Firefox web browser. The latest version of ShareOnVibe is tested and supported for the Firefox versions 43.x – 52.x.

UPDATE November 2017

The next release of Firefox – version 57 – will not be supporting so-called *legacy* Add-ons anymore. Only Add-ons built on WebExtensions technology will be loaded. To run legacy Add-ons, you need to run Firefox ESR. However, on June 26th, 2018, the ESR branch of Firefox will be based on version 59 only, so legacy Add-ons will stop working on ESR on that date.

We will keep testing the compatibility of ShareOnVibe with the ESR versions of Firefox, and will update compatibility information accordingly. Don’t hesitate to get in touch – we appreciate your input and look forward to welcoming you on the upcoming exciting journey toward a WebExtensions-based ShareOnVibe.

Read more here

December 2015

To use ShareOnVibe with Firefox 43 or higher versions, please request the re-signed / re-verified build number ShareOnVibe 1.1.51 or higher* by mail or via the contact form.


Operating System:

ShareOnVibe, as an add-on for the Firefox browser, is independent from a specific platform. It can be used on Windows, Linux or MacOS.

*To see which build number of ShareOnVibe you are currently on, right-click to open the Context Menu, open Configuration and choose the “About” tab.