Stimmen zu ShareOnVibe

Was andere von unserem "productivity booster" halten



Lesen Sie hier, was unsere Kunden

sowie Experten von Micro Focus

(ehemals Novell)

von ShareOnVibe halten

Kai Reichert Senior Product Manager Collaboration Solutions at Novell
Definitely a great extension to Vibe!
Anthony Priestman Senior Solution Architect at Novell
A great add-on for retaining knowledge! Saving information you find on the internet has never been so easy! Just an awesome extension!
Jay Wootton Software Engineer at Novell, Inc.
ShareOnVibe is a fantastic product. It is an easy way for me to collect and manage information I need and find useful, regardless of where I find it. Good work!!!!
Werner Degenhardt Academic Director and CIO at LMU Munich
In fact this is a tool that whets your appetite for more of this. Very useful. Definitely boosts your intelligence by 20 points. Guaranteed.
Mikael Furth Systems Administrator at University College of Borås
Easy to use, works great!



ShareOnVibe macht Arbeiten effizienter –

in Universitäten, akademischen Einrichtungen und

in kleinen, mittleren und großen Unternehmen!

Thomas F. Deputy Head of IT Department at Waagner-Biro
We need more tools, like this one, for Vibe. […]
Edmund Weber Technical Specialist and Project Manager (Groupwise, Directory, Server) at Universität Regensburg
A very neat tool essential for saving all the interesting bits and pieces you come along while exploring the World Wide Web.


Eine Erweiterung für Vibe, die die Plattform noch wertvoller macht

und das Speichern von Web-Inhalten wird so einfach wie nie


Thayne Peterson Test Architect at Novell
This tool is GREAT. As you are driving around the net, it allows you to grab content and place it in Vibe. On facebook your friends find things: articles, pictures, music, video, and links. Next it ends up posted on their wall. It’s like that: First establish the place in Novell’s Vibe that you want to be your „wall“. Next using Firefox, find that self incriminating video of your mate. At this point, right click and send it to be posted on your Vibe „wall“. Wish I could say that I had thought of it. Excellent ADDITION!!
Andrea Ponzelet Marketing Manager at Novell
Great Vibe extension and easy to use! Und es entlastet die Speicherkapazitäten des Oberstübchens 😉


ShareOnVibe in der Customer Success Story der LMU München